Monday, November 10, 2014

Week 14 - The Home Shrine (revisited)

I’ve added a picture above my shrine and a letter given by my wife in blessing of my path, a piece of Icelandic spar to help me find my way, and two hand sickles as Samhain approaches and I move to that part of my Lady, Persephone. I’m likely to remove the holder for the incense, but I’m still debating that.

The hand sickles were just refinished by a devotee of a metalworking god, and I’m just beginning use with them, so they’re on the altar for both seasonal and hallowing reasons.

Does it feel like there is something missing? Does something seem out of
place? Is it just right?

The glass and plastic incense holder will probably go pretty soon in favor of a small cauldron or iron plate to burn loose incense on. I’m feeling a pull towards heavier and more solid objects.

How have you worked with it over the past seven weeks? Has the method
of your working shaped the way the altar looks now, or does the way the altar looks
affect the way you work? Are you happy with the location of the altar? Have you
moved it in the past seven weeks? Do you plan on moving it in the future?

I’ve added the picture when I made my dedication to my Lady and the sickles when I was given them at a Mabon celebration. Other than that, it’s probably as it will be for the next while.  I do change things seasonally.  I don’t have a lot of room or spots living in an apartment, so it’s on the cabinet at the foot of the bed, which is the best I can do for someplace I consider private and special.

Now, what would you like to do to improve it? Write down your dreams, or
sketch out your dream altar. Can you make it look like that? What do you need to
do in order to make your altar look the way you want it?

A huge house with a room or outbuilding devoted to being a temple would be nice, but that’s not coming just yet. I’m happy with it, though I’d probably use a different cabinet beneath it, perhaps a wooden one in which I can store those seasonal items.

Finally, consider how this shrine compares with the spot where you visit
with nature. Do you feel that nature is accessible from this shrine? Or do you prefer
to be outside in order to deal directly with nature? Are there ways to bring nature
into your Home Shrine?

The shrine isn’t as much about nature as it is about my connection to my Lady.  It’s a spot for focus and meditation and prayer.

Meditation Log - Week 16

Week 16

Nature: I’ve not had much chance, as Lady Beth’s funerals were this week, but I’ve tried to take notice of the trees, the leaves, the changes, the differences between here and South Carolina. The pine tree species and maples change the color pallette.  

Meditation:  I’ve been doing this mostly while on the long drives back and forth, letting my mind spin down, somewhat like highway hypnosis while Jennifer sleeps.

Two Powers: When I’ve needed to feel centered during the ceremonies, I’ve sunk my roots and stretched my branches, and it’s helped.

Meditation Log - Week 15

Week 15

Nature: I did this for a while before the Samhain ritual, while getting ready to smudge the site. I was very disturbed because of Lady Beth’s death, but I cherished spending time at the farm, especially watching the clouds rush past across the sky as the front moved in.

Meditation: Been continuing the walk-the-dogs devotions, looking to the sky, and it helps bring me back to center in those moments.  

Two Powers: I’ve been using this more and more as my go-to ground and center type practice. Before it was just roots, but now it’s roots and branches in the wind.

Meditation Log - Week 14

Week 14

Nature:  It really felt like fall, with that leafy skittery sound across parking lots, the rains and leaves falling, smell of woodsmoke in the air. The bunnies are hiding, but the deer are realllly out and about!

Meditation: It’s been early mornings and late evenings, but in between the classes I’m teaching, I’ve been catching spare moments of silence. I need to have more dedicated longer periods of time, though.

Two Powers: I’ve been scared to do this while working at a hospital, but I’ve tried once outside, and it’s been fine. Maybe I’m just scared, given the old baggage.

Meditation Log - Week 13

Week 13

Nature: I’ve just stared in absolute awe as the leaves have been changing, the cold weater finally arrived.  There’s a scent to the air, the faintest hint of fireplaces and woodsmoke, and of the papery scent of leaves as they skitter by.  This morning, I saw a deer bound across the higway on my way into work, even this far into the city, and it brought home for me that there is no place that is not wild.

Meditation: I’ve been keeping up with the daily devotions in the morning and evening, and they’ve helped re-center me a lot.  I’m going to work more on the longer meditations as a friend is having good results with it.

Two Powers: first time I go out in the daylight, I’ve been pulling from my roots and from the sky, and concentrating - a shorthand of it, but useful

Friday, October 24, 2014

Week 13 - The Nine Virtues: Wisdom

Our Own Druidry defines wisdom as : "Good judgment, the ability to perceive people and situations correctly, deliberate about and decide on the correct response." The definition seems to hinge on the word “correct”. “Correct” is a word with variable meaning and situational aspects. What is correct for one may not be correct for another, and what is correct may be overridden by a more pressing ideal, and living up to that ideal may be the better course, even if it doesn’t produce the desired outcome.

The first definition of wisdom in the Mirriam Webster dictionary ("Wisdom." Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2014. <>.) is “1a: accumulated philosophic or scientific learning : knowledge, b: ability to discern inner qualities and relationships : insight, c: good sense : judgment, d: generally accepted belief”.

To me, wisdom is that deeper understanding of the patterns of things, allowing you to see past what has happened, and extrapolate and divine what will most likely be, and then make your choices from among those principles you hold highest. So in that way, my personal definition is going to be much closer to B and C above.

People who are often seen as wise reserve judgement, don’t jump in, don’t give their opinions too freely. They err on the side of caution where they might be an example for others. Wisdom is often personified, Sophia, etc, but often it was wisdom in a certain area or focus. Wisdom is often depicted as being gifted, instead of earned through countless mistakes. I think that leads us to put people on pedestals about being wise, and not accept that people are constantly evolving and gaining wisdom.

Wisdom as the ability to reliably guess the correct path to produce the desired outcome, is a valuable thing. But sometimes Wisdom isn’t about that, it’s about deciding that the outcome is immaterial and the principle must be upheld, for it’s own sake. I wouldn’t take it off the list, but I don’t agree with the ADF definition.

Week 12 - Ancestors, the Mighty Dead

The Kindred of our Ancestors is both those of family and those of heart, profession, or other kinds of lineage. Both blood and learning shape us into who we become. The ways Ancestors are worshipped varied by culture, in timing, practice, and intensity. For example, many in the far East take ancestor veneration quite seriously, and every year when paper goods are offered it always makes the news. Greeks, Celts, Norse; they all had their special dates and special rites. Today, Samhain is often conflated and secularized to emerge as Halloween, but it’s also become Day of the Dead and All Saints Day and similar, as the concept is one that resonates with more than just one culture. I value my dead, those of blood, those of relationship, those of teaching, and those of example. Of all the Kindreds, they have perhaps the most personal investment in my well being and success, for they are my kin, my family, and my success is the success of their line, be it of blood or thought. The ADF suggestion is to offer them alcohol, but I’m not sure that’s the most appropriate for my individual family given a history of alcohol abuse. I’m still discerning what might be a better way, or perhaps I’m making too much of it, as I’ve thus far not fallen down that hole and am watchful of my habits with it. And so, in it’s own way, I’ve learned from my Ancestors, and hope to continue to do so. My grandmothers were both very strong women, and they are my prime examples as I begin to age. Yesterday, I saw the face of a deceased friend in a student. At Samhain, I will be officiating at a ritual of remembrance, and will be making offerings, most potently of shared stories and memories of those in the group.

Meditation Log - Week 12

Week 12
Nature: The days are finally a bit cooler, but the trees haven’t changed yet. It’s incredibly hard to sit still and not do stuff, but the cooler air has been wonderful. I spotted a bunny in the shadows, and am hopeful it is an omen for fertility and new growth in my job hunt. It looks like summer, until the wind cuts in, and you realize it’s fall, and fall is a season you must prepare for.
Meditation: I’ve been having a hard time slowing down due to the crazy schedule, but I’ve been making a point to do a daily devotion like practice when I take the dogs out in the morning and evening, feeling my Lady in the sky and earth.
Two Powers: This time, combining the earthy waters with the hot sun brought to mind images of swamp and wetland, of the bounty of life in such profusion it becomes wildness and almost foreign

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Meditation Log - Week 11

Week 11

Nature: And now that I’m back home, I went outside into the field.  Today was the first really Fall day.  The rest have been wishful thinking, but this was clear, windy, and decidedly chilly.  Beautiful.  I waited until the kids were clear of the field, and went out near sunset. I walked my chiweenie around the perimeter of the apartment complex, and let my mind spin down and do nothing more than contemplate the beauty of the sunset and the trees changing.

Meditation: I did a did a guided meditation about gaining help and a little temple in the woods.  I then wrote one and recorded it and I’m hoping Steph and Mara like it.  It was really… zone-y? … to write and record and feel it at once.

Two Powers:  I did this from memory in the first part of the personal ADF COR ritual I did asking for help finding a job.  It’s started to feel more comfortable and natural.  I have an image of light reflecting on water that’s helping with the visualization.

Week 11 - Two Powers Meditation

Work through the Two Powers meditation. Work on getting the visualization down well, but don't be discouraged if you have a hard time with the visuals.
Did at Mara’s meditation talk, and will continue to do more.  
I’ve been trying it off and on, and am caught in the light rippling on water image and a thrummy deep chord where the two energies mix.  Will keep working on it.

Meditation Log - Week 10

Week 10

Nature:  At a different place again, this time at the Family’s farm in Rocky Mount.  They just moved in a few months ago, and have 37 acres. After ritual, we had dinner by the fire and roasted marshmallows.  I spent a couple of hours occasionally answering a question, but mostly feeling the night air, looking up at the clouds and stars, feeling the cool grass underfoot, considering the feral cats, and staring into the flames.  It was immensely relaxing and centering after ritual and possibly one of the best nights I’ve had in a long time.

Meditation: I did a guided meditation on asking for guidance, and I got back a weaving jumble of images, but I’m very tired.  Baby dragons with skinned knuckles healing.  Healing just started, so be gentle.  Pushing the poison out of a little dragon’s leg, draining it away.  squeezing squeezing the drops, but still not well yet.  Being invited to sit up on the concrete bench under her arm as a little daughter, not kneeling as a servant.  soft warm greens of under the trees with sunlight shining through them, waving and shifting. That if I do weddings, I should do funerals too, because it’s life and death and rebirth.  To do it all, not just one thing.  It doesn’t have to be big, just from the heart.

Two Powers:  Mara did a 101 class on chakras and meditation, and incidental to that, she read over the Two Powers meditation so we could all give it a try.  I enjoyed it, the illumination of cauldrons of water really caught my attention.  I had a great discussion with my wife on the way home about how she views the elements differently.

Week 10 - High Day Recap

The Fall Feast: Fall Equinox, Feast of Reaping

I did it according to the COoR, and the only thing that went wrong is that I forgot the bowl of water for the well. So the offerings went straight to the ground and the offering bowl got repurposed. It went well otherwise. Meitros was the gatekeeper as the binder of friends and relationship obligations, Ausos for the hearth fire, and my Lady, of Life Death and Rebirth (Gaia/Demeter/etc) was the primary patron.

I did this for me as a personal ritual, but with witnesses including my wife and chosen family. I went into a bit of trance during the ritual and afterwards it was absolutely indescribable softness and comfort. Previous guided meditations had told me I needed to go ahead and do this and stop dinking around about it. I was told that one woman who’d never seen a Pagan ritual before was a little nervous at first, but it felt homey and happy.

The runes drawn were: Hagalaz, about trials leading to better times; Berkano, new beginnings, prospering; and Ansuz, power of words and naming, blessings and taking of advice. It sounds to me like the troubles I’ve been going through are reaching an end, I’m getting that fresh start as my Lady’s child and Priestess, and that there is power in being named as hers and listening to her instructions.

I was too busy giving to receive, until the end. Then it was comfort and softness, the broken ground underfoot was kind to my feet, and when one of us started to take a picture of the fire, the phone identified four faces in the fire before it re-focussed and took the picture. The whole ritual brought home to me how real and how un-flashy this is. It’s right there, in ordinary things made extraordinary.

Monday, September 15, 2014


I have noticed a real benefit to meditating, getting more sleep, having friends send energy when I'm feeling rough, etc.

This morning, when the money didn't go in my account, the hotel stay wasn't done right so I had nowhere to sleep, I had no money for food and my account was overdrawn, I was working crazy hours and being shafted, and my cycle is about to start?

I didn't kill anyone.

I actually tossed my stuff in a bag just in case, called the front desk and got them to extend my stay (not my credit card being charged, and they extended it anyway - I must have sounded authoritative), and then wrote a good business-speak letter to the staffing agency providing my services to the end-user-employer.

I sent it to my account rep at the agency and her boss.

The money's getting fixed, the hotel is already fixed, she's groveling appropriately, and she's even going to pay for any bank fees from the overdrawing.

I didn't kill her....or quit what should be a lucrative gig.

Benefits.  I stopped and thought more than I usually have in the past.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Meditation Log - Week 9

Partial entry, will add to this.

Nature: I’m still on the contract job in Richmond, but tonight and tomorrow afternoon I have to myself.  Tonight (9/14/14) I’m sitting in the hotel room with the windows open as the sun sets, listening to the crickets and the wind in the treetops at my level on the 3rd floor.  As the night’s deepened, I notice the bugs find my window screen, the sky changes to an indigo that isn‘t really seen, but felt on the retinas. Tomorrow, I plan to go to a nearby nature preserve in the afternoon, walk for a while, and then come back and sleep as much as I can before the stresses of the last three days on the job. The cool air is a blessing, and the connection to nature is water to my parched soul.

Meditation:  experiences, breath pattern, difficulties? I’ve been doing a few different things towards this: my schedule has lent itself to being up with the dawn, so I’ve resumed an old practice of looking at the dawn sky and thanking her for her light and renewal of hope.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Week 9 - High Day Ritual

Now, this one isn't a generic ritual.  And I'll be attending a Winterfinding ADF ritual done by a friend.  However, this is something that I've been working towards in my personal growth, so it's ADF format, but reflects where I am in my relationship with my Lady.  The ADF tends to be pretty hard polytheist from everything I've seen, but I'm more of a soft polytheist due to seeing my Lady in so many facets of so many goddesses.

That's why I've gone Proto Indo European in my Hearth Culture - because it's about the core and correlations between the gods and the goddesses, and finding where they started and as what.  It's close enough for me to work with, because it's about synthesis of what we know, and the way this aspect of divinity expresses itself to us.  Or in the words of a friend.... " Close 'nough"

Demeter and Persephone's Elusinian Mysteries are the basis of this ritual.  We kjnow parts and pieces of what happened, and the parts I understand and can actually perform without being Greek and back in the day, I've put into this ritual.  I've done my best to translate for intent, and some ideas I've borrowed from others, but other than the occasional phrase, it's all my work in the ADF style.  I think.  I'm still learning that part.

My Lady has been appearing to me in guided meditations and dreams for a few years now, as seen in some of these blog posts, and the time seems to be right.  This Samhain I perform the graduation exercise (a group ritual) for my studies in the Advanced Class run by a senior Priestess who is a friend, and as the Mysteries were celebrated about this time of year, it seemed appropriate to take this step.

RITUAL – Elusinian Mysteries based adoption as Priestess

(day of no meat, day of walking in party atmosphere, saltwater bath beforehand, approach rite in silence)

Initiating the Rite by ringing the bell

Purification – deep breathing

Mother, in your guise of Gaia,
who is the earth below my feet,
who is the green and the brown and all between,
who is the sky above,
who is the ocean of water and the ocean of stars,
who gives me form, and accepts my form when I return to her embrace,
I honor you, and ask that you uphold me in this rite.

I come here to dedicate myself to the Lady.  She of the many guises.  The Mistress, Potnia, Ishatar, Inanna, Asherah, Demeter, Persephone, Eos, Aurora, Gaia, Ceres, the Green Lady, Green Tara, Mother Nature, Mother Earth, and more.  The Lady of Life, Death, and Rebirth.

Under the guidance of your aspect Aeusos, she of the fire that warms and creator of home, family, and hope,
I light this fire.

I offer these oils to the Fire at the center of the world, the fire of offering, initiation and revelation.
I offer silver to the Well, the darkness of the underworld, from which all growth comes.
By the Tree, I am connected in strength and growth from roots in the Well to the Land around me and to the vault of the Sky above.
I create the Center again.

Meitros, Binder of Friends, I make an offering of honey to you,
This place is set apart and made sacred for this time
please open the gates, to make the path between the worlds smooth
that we may bind ourselves again in hospitality and friendship.

To all who would dissuade me from my purpose,
even my negative emotions,
I ask that you leave and take pleasure from the oiled bread set aside for you.

To the spirits of the land, I make offering
May there be the bonds of hospitality between us
(pour offering of honey)

To the spirits of the ancestors, I make offering
May there be the bonds of hospitality between us
(pour offering of mead)

To the gods and goddesses, I make offering
May there be the bonds of hospitality between us
(pour offering of olive oil)

To my Lady, I make offering. In your many names, you are still one, and singular, and worthy of praise. The Mistress, Dhéghom Máter, Potnia, Dia, Demeter, Persephone, Gaia, Dea, Ceres, the Green Lady, Green Tara, Mother Nature, Mother Earth, and more.  The Lady of Life, Death, and Rebirth.

Lady, accept my offering in tribute for your guardianship and support, your gracious bounty.
(pour offering of mead, olive oil, and honey)

I ask for your guidance, my Lady, for my steps as I move forward along your path to become your daughter and your priestess.

(Draw runes and look them up)

I ask for your blessings to fill this cup, so that I may drink them deep.
The blessings glow within and I honor you.
Thank you for giving of your bounty my Lady, and I drink them down with mead from your bees.

You waited patiently for me, my Lady.  You of the many names and many guises.  The Mistress, Potnia, Demeter, Persephone, Gaia, the Green Lady, Green Tara, and the faces by which I have yet to know you.  You have been the Mistress of Animals, Lady of Grain, Lady of the Underworld, Lady of all the facets of our lives. The Lady of Life, Death, and Rebirth.

Lady, Mistress, you have supported and guided us for tens of thousands of years, and probably for far longer.  
You have presided over our births, growth, changes, deaths, and rebirths.
You have revealed yourself in various symbols, the butterfly, the bird, the snake, the bees, the grain and the trees, and more.  

I ask that you take me as your daughter, your Priestess, guard my steps, guide my actions, protect me and mine from harm and want. Help me to care for others, welcome me into your embrace when my days end, and give me rebirth in your care.

With your permission and acceptance, I place myself on the path of your Priestess, to do my best to guard and encourage life and to love as you have bid.

As my ancestors did before me, I offer this sacrifice of my service symbolized by this token.

(Put small piece of pork in fire to burn completely. Add mead, oil, and honey to offering bowl. Hold offering bowl to east, then west, then up saying “rain” and then pour mead, oil, honey onto ground saying “conceive”)

I have honored you, learned of you, worshipped you, and now become your daughter, your Priestess.  
(set leafy crown on head)
As it was said in years before, The powerful Goddess has given birth to a powerful child.

Thank you, my Lady, Mistress of Life, Death, and Rebirth, for your acceptance and your continued support.  
May this bond sustain me all my days.

Gods, Goddesses, Ancestors, and Spirits of the Land,
I give you honor and worship, praise and reverence.
May there be peace and friendship between us.
I give you thanks for your presence and your blessings.

Gatekeeper, thank you for your watchful presence.  May the gates be closed, with my gratitude.

My thanks to the Well, for inspiration
My thanks to the Sky, for clear seeing
My thank to the Tree, for stability and shelter in the storms
My thanks to the Fire, for warmth and renewal

My thanks the Mother, for all these things, and for life.

I go forward upon my journey as a daughter and Priestess of the Lady. May I grow towards the light and bear good fruit.

Week 9 - Explain High Day

The Fall Feast: Fall Equinox, Feast of Reaping

The Autumn Equinox is often celebrated as Mabon, which from what I've read was based on a legend that was selected and attached to the holiday in the 70's. I've also seen it listed, perhaps more authentically, as Harvest Home. In general Neo-Pagan thought, I've seen Persephone's decent to the underworld celebrated this time of year, but since I celebrate that later at Samhain due to my personal beliefs and preferences, the myth I've normally used for this holiday is that of the death of the vegetative god, since it's an archetype that appears in many cultures as shown in The Golden Bough. The first frost is months away, but the harvest of fruits and veggies is in full swing, so it's close enough in intent I believe. I tend to focus on Demeter and her bounty to the people to tide them over for the winter when she goes away to curl up and wait for Persephone's return. The Elusinian Mysteries were celebrated near this time of year, so that's what I'll be doing this year in a personal ritual of devotion.
Seasonally, this time of year is about the very first cool breath of air. The leaves just starting to change brings back many memories. Searching and seeking out the early ones, like the poplars, and cherishing that first wholehearted yellowing all the way up the tree. When that first tree starts to change its leaves, I know it's here. I don't have kids to teach about the holidays, but I cherish the gleeful celebration of leaves, cocoa, and the sweaters and boots that aren't far off. To me, this is about appreciation for all the gifts given and the fruitful harvest that ensures enough for the winter. Grain is essential, but it's only carbohydrates and a bit of protein. Samhain will give meat. But this day gives wine, cider, honey, fruits and vegetables, and all those things that make the basics tasty and enticing. This holiday ensures enjoyment for the winter.

Meditation Log - Week 8

Nature: animals that appear often or plants that strike you as intriguing or odd? I went walking in a local park while in Richmond on a contract job.  Other than agreeing with one older gentleman about how lovely the park is, I walked in silence, picking up pebbles from the shoreline, and taking pictures of feathers, crabs, etc.  Very contemplative.  It was lovely, and helped me find center again after an annoying afternoon on the job.

Meditation:  experiences, breath pattern, difficulties? I put on some Tibetan bell music in the background to help with background noises, and I settled right in.  Ended up having a bit of a problem not nodding off due to short nights, but managed ten minutes this time! Keeping at it.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Meditation Log - Week 7

Nature: 8/31/2014: Sat in the park, not long enough, battery low on my phone, made me twitchy.  Enjoyed the light and the grass and the trees and the breeze.  Wish I could have stayed in it longer.

Meditation: tried to meditate, but too twitchy. Will keep at it.

Week 8 - Meditation and Mental Training

Meditation and Mental Training

 Passive Meditation: Sitting, standing, or lying down, clearing the mind,
and allowing thoughts to slide through.
 Active Meditation: Exercising, running, juggling, doing yoga, working a
cash register, etc., in order to induce a meditative state.
 Daily Devotions: Do a simple ritual each morning or night.
 Daily Prayers: Say a prayer on waking or on falling asleep, or over your
lunch meal.
 Trance Work: Induce a trance, through any variety of methods.
 Mantra Meditation: In which you chant a simple mantra over and over
until you manage to feel that connection.
 Oracle meditation: Pulling a rune, tarot card, or watching the flights of
birds in order to gain some insight into your meditation.
 Two Powers meditation: Explained in week 11, it involves using the basic
Two Powers meditation to connect with the currents of the world.

Write about how your first week of meditation went. A couple of sentences
will work. You might mention the breathing pattern you used, how long you did it,
if anything happened, and any experiences you may have had.

I did a guided meditation to ask my Lady for guidance.  It's a standard one where you are in a glade and the Goddess shows up to talk to you. Slowing my breathing for calm and receptivity, but that was about it.  I got the impression of  “If I don't go with you, how would I go at all”? "Who would carry me forth?"  Very pregnant young goddess, giving birth to me as hers. Autumn deep auburn hair, pale skin, thin hands, very large belly, white plain dress, short sleeved, no nail polish, pure, ivy at neck and in hair, green v's like on the motorcycle's paint job. Overdue pregnant, where the body thins out and the woman is entirely tummy. "Will I go ahead and get born already?"  Motorbike escaping from the flames tearing down the factory, me and her on the back. She provided way out, but my skill to steer. Looks like the question about dedicating to her is pretty clearly answered, and the fears about job stuff is too. She'll go with me, and we'll travel light, but the old is burning and it's time for new starts.  The V is the same as the old car V, seen it below the Cadillac logo, on Chevys and Dodges. Fast, classic, stylish, powerful.  

Week 7 - Home Shrine

Write down what is on the altar, how it looks, and why you chose the things you did.

I've had a mostly wicca-ish altar for a few years, changing it up seasonally, but the ADF ritual has a few different components and needs. I use the altar for daily meditations, special prayers, and seasonal rituals, so it needed updating for these new needs. I have to my left fire in the form of a pillar candle on an iron holder. Behind it is a holder for various incenses I use. When I'm outside, I'll burn the loose incense, but inside I just sprinkle it on the little upraised dish. On the right is a small pottery dish with a beautiful blue glaze that has sparkling facets set into the bottom of it for the well and a bell to open rituals. In the middle in the front is a small dish with a spiral worked into it and a glaze that speaks to the idea of dawn for offerings. Behind that is a picture of Angel Oak, one of the largest and oldest oak trees in existence, and one I was privileged to visit on a recent vacation, for the Tree. Behind that is a barely representational figure of a woman, with an opening in her middle where a candle can be placed. I'm still deciphering her identity, but I've seen her, and this is the best way I know to represent her without attributing any qualities to her in error. I'm seeking a suitable chalice as a horn doesn't feel quite right, and I'm thinking of adding a few items back in as focus objects such as seasonal items like wheat stalks, but better to add to something once the framework is made than to twist and edit something else to suit a different style.

Week 6 - IE: A History of Pagan Europe

This one isn't complete, and probably won't be for a few weeks.  Technically, I have until Week 25 to finish this.  The book just arrived (yay used books on Amazon) and I've got a work trip starting in a few days for three weeks in another town, so I'll start reading and working on it then.  Here are the guide questions, so I'll be working through them and updating this post as I go.

MLA citation.
What is the book about?
Is there a main thesis?
Can you summarize the main points?
Why was this book on the reading list?
Do you think it should be there?
Does it inform your own personal practice in any way?
Does it give you new ideas, crazy thoughts, or open your mind?
Could you recommend this book to others?
Do you have trouble understanding it, or is it a breeze?
Are there things that would make it better?

Making an outline or notes as you read will be invaluable to writing your book review later.

Week 5 - Nature Awareness 1

In your Dedicant Notebook, discuss what you felt when you were experiencing Nature. Did you have problems focusing? - Not so bad, but having my phone be empty of charge and me being unreachable made me twitchy. My wife is diabetic, so being out of reach and alone is generally a bad thing. It's going to take time to unlearn.

Did you have trouble finding your spot? - Nope, there's a lovely little park near my home. The first few rituals I ever did were there, so it's home ground.

Try drawing a map from your house or your office to this spot, but don't include street names or man-made objects; instead, use natural landmarks to remind yourself how to get there in the future. - Drawn, but I'm not up to doing ASCII art.

Were you able to hear things you've never heard before? - Not hear, exactly, but it was enjoyable to feel the trees and the air and the grass.

Did you catch a glimpse of the Earth Mother playing with children in the park? - not yet, but I think my worries got in the way, I'll do more sitting in parks.

What is the source of your drinking water? What rivers make up your watershed? - Lick Run Watershed feeding to Roanoke River through Western VA Water Authority, The Western Virginia Water Authority’s drinking water comes primarily from four sources: Carvins Cove Reservoir, Spring Hollow Reservoir, Crystal Spring and Falling Creek Reservoir

What are the prevailing winds? What are the major influences on your local clouds, rain and storms?
Due to mountains, the winds come from varying directions. Either from the west straight through, up the I-81 corridor, or cycling widdershins from the coast – usually due to some big storm. The mountains trigger most of the snow to land on their western slopes, so that reduces the amount of snow we get in the valley.

What is the composition of your soil? Is it acid or alkali? What are the major crops grown in your region?
Alkali. Soybeans, corn, tobacco, tomatoes, and by far the most? Pot, though the official numbers don't include it.

Identify 5 species of trees in your area. Then, learn 4 more!
Maple, Hickory, Beech, various Oaks, cherry, redbud, dogwood, willow, choke cherry

Identify 5 herbs for health in your area. Then, learn 4 more!
Yarrow, ginger, marigold, alumroot, mint, foxglove

Identify 5 species of birds common to your area,
red tail hawks, starlings, sparrows, hummingbirds, crows, turkey vulture

and 5 species of wild animal.
Rabbits, groundhogs, raccoons, white tail deer, squirell

Know the three major sources of air and water pollution in your area.
Carbon Monoxide, VOC, PCB's – cars, industry

Know how your area deals with trash and garbage. Consider recycling and/or composting.
Solid Waste Management handles trash in the area, and for residents, they do recyling as well.

Learn about environmental action groups in your area; consider joining and/or working with one or more.
Cutting down on all external commitments, so no joining in. Meagan with Blue Ridge Conservancy gets to native-plant my yard when I get one.  I've already got way too many pulls on my time to add another.

Week 4 - High Day Recap

The August Feast: Lughnasadh, Feast of the God Lugh, first harvest

The structure was straight off the ADF list, being one that I did myself as a solitary and only lightly edited from the one in the Dedicant Path Study Guide. I stumbled and stammered a little, though I had taken the time to look up the pronunciations of the names, and reading off of the computer screen was a bit distracting. I did feel a response and the runes were really good, so that definitely worked. I've been exploring Proto-Indo-European as a hearth culture, so the patrons were Xáusōs (Dawn and rebirth), Dhéǵhōm Mā́tr (earth mother), Kolyos (lady of death), and the gatekeeper was Páxusōn as the guide through the wilds. I've been working with the Green Lady, Kore/Demeter/Persephone, Potnia / The Mistress, Lady of Life, Death, and Rebirth for some time now, and am trying to see her through this lens. I'm more soft polytheist than I think the ADF is, but I'm working on finding my way. For the sacrifice, I decided to have a piece of bread for the gods, honey for the nature spirits, mead for the ancestors – my silver necklace for a time to silver the well and a drop of tangerine essential oil for the fire for some new beginnings I'm hoping for. I felt the connection to my Lady, the gates opening and closing, a patting-on-the-head kind of feeling for me trying so hard. I did feel a confidence that they cared and were going to be tolerant of the newbie – and thrilled that they responded so kindly. The omens I drew were Perthro, Fehu, and Radho, which were all very auspicious for the questions I had about upcoming interviews.

Ring bell and then Moment of silence to focus and center

Earth Mother, please be with me as I celebrate this season of early harvest.

I come here today to celebrate the first harvest, the harvest of grain, to give praise and receive what bounty may be given.

Below are the dark waters of creation, Beside me is the Tree of Life, Above are the guiding lights, and within me is the fire.

Guide and Gatekeeper, Páxusōn, please open the gates and guard me as I venture forth.

Spirits of Nature, please join me in this celebration, Ancestors, please join me in this celebration, Shining Ones, please join me in this celebration.

My Lady of Life, Death, and Rebirth, in your phases and faces, Xáusōs, Dhéǵhōm Mā́tr, Kolyos,, please join me in this celebration.
Kah-oo-sohs , D aygh-ohm Maht-r , Kohl-yohs

I offer my praise and thanks for this season and my hopes for a bountiful harvest.

I have done and worked and struggled, and I have kept my devotion to you. I give you these gifts of time, of effort, of struggle, and of diplomacy, these applications and all my hard work. Please accept them with my praise and faith.

(Draw 3 runes)

Please bless me, for I sorely need your aid in making a good harvest.

Please send your blessings to this drink that I may enjoy it fully and accept it into my life. (drink)

Truly, you do send blessings and wonders and I thank you for them, even the ones I don't understand now.

Today I call forth the season and it's bountiful harvest to be mirrored in my job search, let my work bear good and sweet fruit and may I have a good position that will fill our needs and wants and give us joy.

My Lady of Life, Death, and Rebirth, Xáusōs, Dhéǵhōm Mā́tr, Kolyos, in all your guises, thank you for celebrating this season with me and for your many kindnesses and gifts.
Kah-oo-sohs , D aygh-ohm Maht-r , Kohl-yohs

Deities, Ancestors, Spirits of Nature, thank you all for celebrating this season with me and for your many kindnesses and gifts.

Páxusōn, as Gatekeeper, thank you for your watchful guard.

Earth Mother, thank you for your endless care and support.

And so I move forward.

D P Perthro Secrets, mysteries, initiation, knoeldge of the future, determining the future
A F Fehu Posessions won or erned, income, luck, abundance, success and happiness
N R Radho change in lifestyle, evolution, change of place, larger perspective, seeing right move and making it

All very auspicious

Week 3 - Explain High Day

The August Feast: Lughnasadh, Feast of the God Lugh, first harvest

This feast is commonly celebrated as Lugh's games of skill in celebration of his mother at her funeral after clearing the land for agriculture in Ireland. Most neopagan events I've attended for this have been focused on that narrative and had a definite tilt towards grain-based food served afterwards. For me, this time of year is all about the coming end to summer and the first successes after a season of hard work. I'm not as attached to this celebration as others, simply because I'm not as fond of heat and Lugh isn't a god I've ever really connected with. The one thing that did strike me in considering this holiday is that this season is very much about returning to school and the ending of playtime, and it seems quite appropriate as a time to start the Dedicant's Path. This summer's been unusually cool and wet, very much like fall weather rather than the puffy clouds and thunderstorms we're used to, so it's been a bit unseasonal.