Sunday, October 5, 2014

Meditation Log - Week 10

Week 10

Nature:  At a different place again, this time at the Family’s farm in Rocky Mount.  They just moved in a few months ago, and have 37 acres. After ritual, we had dinner by the fire and roasted marshmallows.  I spent a couple of hours occasionally answering a question, but mostly feeling the night air, looking up at the clouds and stars, feeling the cool grass underfoot, considering the feral cats, and staring into the flames.  It was immensely relaxing and centering after ritual and possibly one of the best nights I’ve had in a long time.

Meditation: I did a guided meditation on asking for guidance, and I got back a weaving jumble of images, but I’m very tired.  Baby dragons with skinned knuckles healing.  Healing just started, so be gentle.  Pushing the poison out of a little dragon’s leg, draining it away.  squeezing squeezing the drops, but still not well yet.  Being invited to sit up on the concrete bench under her arm as a little daughter, not kneeling as a servant.  soft warm greens of under the trees with sunlight shining through them, waving and shifting. That if I do weddings, I should do funerals too, because it’s life and death and rebirth.  To do it all, not just one thing.  It doesn’t have to be big, just from the heart.

Two Powers:  Mara did a 101 class on chakras and meditation, and incidental to that, she read over the Two Powers meditation so we could all give it a try.  I enjoyed it, the illumination of cauldrons of water really caught my attention.  I had a great discussion with my wife on the way home about how she views the elements differently.

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