Friday, October 24, 2014

Week 13 - The Nine Virtues: Wisdom

Our Own Druidry defines wisdom as : "Good judgment, the ability to perceive people and situations correctly, deliberate about and decide on the correct response." The definition seems to hinge on the word “correct”. “Correct” is a word with variable meaning and situational aspects. What is correct for one may not be correct for another, and what is correct may be overridden by a more pressing ideal, and living up to that ideal may be the better course, even if it doesn’t produce the desired outcome.

The first definition of wisdom in the Mirriam Webster dictionary ("Wisdom." Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2014. <>.) is “1a: accumulated philosophic or scientific learning : knowledge, b: ability to discern inner qualities and relationships : insight, c: good sense : judgment, d: generally accepted belief”.

To me, wisdom is that deeper understanding of the patterns of things, allowing you to see past what has happened, and extrapolate and divine what will most likely be, and then make your choices from among those principles you hold highest. So in that way, my personal definition is going to be much closer to B and C above.

People who are often seen as wise reserve judgement, don’t jump in, don’t give their opinions too freely. They err on the side of caution where they might be an example for others. Wisdom is often personified, Sophia, etc, but often it was wisdom in a certain area or focus. Wisdom is often depicted as being gifted, instead of earned through countless mistakes. I think that leads us to put people on pedestals about being wise, and not accept that people are constantly evolving and gaining wisdom.

Wisdom as the ability to reliably guess the correct path to produce the desired outcome, is a valuable thing. But sometimes Wisdom isn’t about that, it’s about deciding that the outcome is immaterial and the principle must be upheld, for it’s own sake. I wouldn’t take it off the list, but I don’t agree with the ADF definition.

Week 12 - Ancestors, the Mighty Dead

The Kindred of our Ancestors is both those of family and those of heart, profession, or other kinds of lineage. Both blood and learning shape us into who we become. The ways Ancestors are worshipped varied by culture, in timing, practice, and intensity. For example, many in the far East take ancestor veneration quite seriously, and every year when paper goods are offered it always makes the news. Greeks, Celts, Norse; they all had their special dates and special rites. Today, Samhain is often conflated and secularized to emerge as Halloween, but it’s also become Day of the Dead and All Saints Day and similar, as the concept is one that resonates with more than just one culture. I value my dead, those of blood, those of relationship, those of teaching, and those of example. Of all the Kindreds, they have perhaps the most personal investment in my well being and success, for they are my kin, my family, and my success is the success of their line, be it of blood or thought. The ADF suggestion is to offer them alcohol, but I’m not sure that’s the most appropriate for my individual family given a history of alcohol abuse. I’m still discerning what might be a better way, or perhaps I’m making too much of it, as I’ve thus far not fallen down that hole and am watchful of my habits with it. And so, in it’s own way, I’ve learned from my Ancestors, and hope to continue to do so. My grandmothers were both very strong women, and they are my prime examples as I begin to age. Yesterday, I saw the face of a deceased friend in a student. At Samhain, I will be officiating at a ritual of remembrance, and will be making offerings, most potently of shared stories and memories of those in the group.

Meditation Log - Week 12

Week 12
Nature: The days are finally a bit cooler, but the trees haven’t changed yet. It’s incredibly hard to sit still and not do stuff, but the cooler air has been wonderful. I spotted a bunny in the shadows, and am hopeful it is an omen for fertility and new growth in my job hunt. It looks like summer, until the wind cuts in, and you realize it’s fall, and fall is a season you must prepare for.
Meditation: I’ve been having a hard time slowing down due to the crazy schedule, but I’ve been making a point to do a daily devotion like practice when I take the dogs out in the morning and evening, feeling my Lady in the sky and earth.
Two Powers: This time, combining the earthy waters with the hot sun brought to mind images of swamp and wetland, of the bounty of life in such profusion it becomes wildness and almost foreign

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Meditation Log - Week 11

Week 11

Nature: And now that I’m back home, I went outside into the field.  Today was the first really Fall day.  The rest have been wishful thinking, but this was clear, windy, and decidedly chilly.  Beautiful.  I waited until the kids were clear of the field, and went out near sunset. I walked my chiweenie around the perimeter of the apartment complex, and let my mind spin down and do nothing more than contemplate the beauty of the sunset and the trees changing.

Meditation: I did a did a guided meditation about gaining help and a little temple in the woods.  I then wrote one and recorded it and I’m hoping Steph and Mara like it.  It was really… zone-y? … to write and record and feel it at once.

Two Powers:  I did this from memory in the first part of the personal ADF COR ritual I did asking for help finding a job.  It’s started to feel more comfortable and natural.  I have an image of light reflecting on water that’s helping with the visualization.

Week 11 - Two Powers Meditation

Work through the Two Powers meditation. Work on getting the visualization down well, but don't be discouraged if you have a hard time with the visuals.
Did at Mara’s meditation talk, and will continue to do more.  
I’ve been trying it off and on, and am caught in the light rippling on water image and a thrummy deep chord where the two energies mix.  Will keep working on it.

Meditation Log - Week 10

Week 10

Nature:  At a different place again, this time at the Family’s farm in Rocky Mount.  They just moved in a few months ago, and have 37 acres. After ritual, we had dinner by the fire and roasted marshmallows.  I spent a couple of hours occasionally answering a question, but mostly feeling the night air, looking up at the clouds and stars, feeling the cool grass underfoot, considering the feral cats, and staring into the flames.  It was immensely relaxing and centering after ritual and possibly one of the best nights I’ve had in a long time.

Meditation: I did a guided meditation on asking for guidance, and I got back a weaving jumble of images, but I’m very tired.  Baby dragons with skinned knuckles healing.  Healing just started, so be gentle.  Pushing the poison out of a little dragon’s leg, draining it away.  squeezing squeezing the drops, but still not well yet.  Being invited to sit up on the concrete bench under her arm as a little daughter, not kneeling as a servant.  soft warm greens of under the trees with sunlight shining through them, waving and shifting. That if I do weddings, I should do funerals too, because it’s life and death and rebirth.  To do it all, not just one thing.  It doesn’t have to be big, just from the heart.

Two Powers:  Mara did a 101 class on chakras and meditation, and incidental to that, she read over the Two Powers meditation so we could all give it a try.  I enjoyed it, the illumination of cauldrons of water really caught my attention.  I had a great discussion with my wife on the way home about how she views the elements differently.

Week 10 - High Day Recap

The Fall Feast: Fall Equinox, Feast of Reaping

I did it according to the COoR, and the only thing that went wrong is that I forgot the bowl of water for the well. So the offerings went straight to the ground and the offering bowl got repurposed. It went well otherwise. Meitros was the gatekeeper as the binder of friends and relationship obligations, Ausos for the hearth fire, and my Lady, of Life Death and Rebirth (Gaia/Demeter/etc) was the primary patron.

I did this for me as a personal ritual, but with witnesses including my wife and chosen family. I went into a bit of trance during the ritual and afterwards it was absolutely indescribable softness and comfort. Previous guided meditations had told me I needed to go ahead and do this and stop dinking around about it. I was told that one woman who’d never seen a Pagan ritual before was a little nervous at first, but it felt homey and happy.

The runes drawn were: Hagalaz, about trials leading to better times; Berkano, new beginnings, prospering; and Ansuz, power of words and naming, blessings and taking of advice. It sounds to me like the troubles I’ve been going through are reaching an end, I’m getting that fresh start as my Lady’s child and Priestess, and that there is power in being named as hers and listening to her instructions.

I was too busy giving to receive, until the end. Then it was comfort and softness, the broken ground underfoot was kind to my feet, and when one of us started to take a picture of the fire, the phone identified four faces in the fire before it re-focussed and took the picture. The whole ritual brought home to me how real and how un-flashy this is. It’s right there, in ordinary things made extraordinary.