Sunday, August 31, 2014

Week 3 - Explain High Day

The August Feast: Lughnasadh, Feast of the God Lugh, first harvest

This feast is commonly celebrated as Lugh's games of skill in celebration of his mother at her funeral after clearing the land for agriculture in Ireland. Most neopagan events I've attended for this have been focused on that narrative and had a definite tilt towards grain-based food served afterwards. For me, this time of year is all about the coming end to summer and the first successes after a season of hard work. I'm not as attached to this celebration as others, simply because I'm not as fond of heat and Lugh isn't a god I've ever really connected with. The one thing that did strike me in considering this holiday is that this season is very much about returning to school and the ending of playtime, and it seems quite appropriate as a time to start the Dedicant's Path. This summer's been unusually cool and wet, very much like fall weather rather than the puffy clouds and thunderstorms we're used to, so it's been a bit unseasonal.

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