Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Week 9 - Explain High Day

The Fall Feast: Fall Equinox, Feast of Reaping

The Autumn Equinox is often celebrated as Mabon, which from what I've read was based on a legend that was selected and attached to the holiday in the 70's. I've also seen it listed, perhaps more authentically, as Harvest Home. In general Neo-Pagan thought, I've seen Persephone's decent to the underworld celebrated this time of year, but since I celebrate that later at Samhain due to my personal beliefs and preferences, the myth I've normally used for this holiday is that of the death of the vegetative god, since it's an archetype that appears in many cultures as shown in The Golden Bough. The first frost is months away, but the harvest of fruits and veggies is in full swing, so it's close enough in intent I believe. I tend to focus on Demeter and her bounty to the people to tide them over for the winter when she goes away to curl up and wait for Persephone's return. The Elusinian Mysteries were celebrated near this time of year, so that's what I'll be doing this year in a personal ritual of devotion.
Seasonally, this time of year is about the very first cool breath of air. The leaves just starting to change brings back many memories. Searching and seeking out the early ones, like the poplars, and cherishing that first wholehearted yellowing all the way up the tree. When that first tree starts to change its leaves, I know it's here. I don't have kids to teach about the holidays, but I cherish the gleeful celebration of leaves, cocoa, and the sweaters and boots that aren't far off. To me, this is about appreciation for all the gifts given and the fruitful harvest that ensures enough for the winter. Grain is essential, but it's only carbohydrates and a bit of protein. Samhain will give meat. But this day gives wine, cider, honey, fruits and vegetables, and all those things that make the basics tasty and enticing. This holiday ensures enjoyment for the winter.

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