Sunday, August 31, 2014

Week 4 - High Day Recap

The August Feast: Lughnasadh, Feast of the God Lugh, first harvest

The structure was straight off the ADF list, being one that I did myself as a solitary and only lightly edited from the one in the Dedicant Path Study Guide. I stumbled and stammered a little, though I had taken the time to look up the pronunciations of the names, and reading off of the computer screen was a bit distracting. I did feel a response and the runes were really good, so that definitely worked. I've been exploring Proto-Indo-European as a hearth culture, so the patrons were Xáusōs (Dawn and rebirth), Dhéǵhōm Mā́tr (earth mother), Kolyos (lady of death), and the gatekeeper was Páxusōn as the guide through the wilds. I've been working with the Green Lady, Kore/Demeter/Persephone, Potnia / The Mistress, Lady of Life, Death, and Rebirth for some time now, and am trying to see her through this lens. I'm more soft polytheist than I think the ADF is, but I'm working on finding my way. For the sacrifice, I decided to have a piece of bread for the gods, honey for the nature spirits, mead for the ancestors – my silver necklace for a time to silver the well and a drop of tangerine essential oil for the fire for some new beginnings I'm hoping for. I felt the connection to my Lady, the gates opening and closing, a patting-on-the-head kind of feeling for me trying so hard. I did feel a confidence that they cared and were going to be tolerant of the newbie – and thrilled that they responded so kindly. The omens I drew were Perthro, Fehu, and Radho, which were all very auspicious for the questions I had about upcoming interviews.

Ring bell and then Moment of silence to focus and center

Earth Mother, please be with me as I celebrate this season of early harvest.

I come here today to celebrate the first harvest, the harvest of grain, to give praise and receive what bounty may be given.

Below are the dark waters of creation, Beside me is the Tree of Life, Above are the guiding lights, and within me is the fire.

Guide and Gatekeeper, Páxusōn, please open the gates and guard me as I venture forth.

Spirits of Nature, please join me in this celebration, Ancestors, please join me in this celebration, Shining Ones, please join me in this celebration.

My Lady of Life, Death, and Rebirth, in your phases and faces, Xáusōs, Dhéǵhōm Mā́tr, Kolyos,, please join me in this celebration.
Kah-oo-sohs , D aygh-ohm Maht-r , Kohl-yohs

I offer my praise and thanks for this season and my hopes for a bountiful harvest.

I have done and worked and struggled, and I have kept my devotion to you. I give you these gifts of time, of effort, of struggle, and of diplomacy, these applications and all my hard work. Please accept them with my praise and faith.

(Draw 3 runes)

Please bless me, for I sorely need your aid in making a good harvest.

Please send your blessings to this drink that I may enjoy it fully and accept it into my life. (drink)

Truly, you do send blessings and wonders and I thank you for them, even the ones I don't understand now.

Today I call forth the season and it's bountiful harvest to be mirrored in my job search, let my work bear good and sweet fruit and may I have a good position that will fill our needs and wants and give us joy.

My Lady of Life, Death, and Rebirth, Xáusōs, Dhéǵhōm Mā́tr, Kolyos, in all your guises, thank you for celebrating this season with me and for your many kindnesses and gifts.
Kah-oo-sohs , D aygh-ohm Maht-r , Kohl-yohs

Deities, Ancestors, Spirits of Nature, thank you all for celebrating this season with me and for your many kindnesses and gifts.

Páxusōn, as Gatekeeper, thank you for your watchful guard.

Earth Mother, thank you for your endless care and support.

And so I move forward.

D P Perthro Secrets, mysteries, initiation, knoeldge of the future, determining the future
A F Fehu Posessions won or erned, income, luck, abundance, success and happiness
N R Radho change in lifestyle, evolution, change of place, larger perspective, seeing right move and making it

All very auspicious

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