I have noticed a real benefit to meditating, getting more sleep, having friends send energy when I'm feeling rough, etc.
This morning, when the money didn't go in my account, the hotel stay wasn't done right so I had nowhere to sleep, I had no money for food and my account was overdrawn, I was working crazy hours and being shafted, and my cycle is about to start?
I didn't kill anyone.
I actually tossed my stuff in a bag just in case, called the front desk and got them to extend my stay (not my credit card being charged, and they extended it anyway - I must have sounded authoritative), and then wrote a good business-speak letter to the staffing agency providing my services to the end-user-employer.
I sent it to my account rep at the agency and her boss.
The money's getting fixed, the hotel is already fixed, she's groveling appropriately, and she's even going to pay for any bank fees from the overdrawing.
I didn't kill her....or quit what should be a lucrative gig.
Benefits. I stopped and thought more than I usually have in the past.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Meditation Log - Week 9
Partial entry, will add to this.
Meditation: experiences, breath pattern, difficulties? I’ve been doing a few different things towards this: my schedule has lent itself to being up with the dawn, so I’ve resumed an old practice of looking at the dawn sky and thanking her for her light and renewal of hope.
Nature: I’m still on the contract job in Richmond, but tonight and tomorrow afternoon I have to myself. Tonight (9/14/14) I’m sitting in the hotel room with the windows open as the sun sets, listening to the crickets and the wind in the treetops at my level on the 3rd floor. As the night’s deepened, I notice the bugs find my window screen, the sky changes to an indigo that isn‘t really seen, but felt on the retinas. Tomorrow, I plan to go to a nearby nature preserve in the afternoon, walk for a while, and then come back and sleep as much as I can before the stresses of the last three days on the job. The cool air is a blessing, and the connection to nature is water to my parched soul.
Meditation: experiences, breath pattern, difficulties? I’ve been doing a few different things towards this: my schedule has lent itself to being up with the dawn, so I’ve resumed an old practice of looking at the dawn sky and thanking her for her light and renewal of hope.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Week 9 - High Day Ritual
Now, this one isn't a generic ritual. And I'll be attending a Winterfinding ADF ritual done by a friend. However, this is something that I've been working towards in my personal growth, so it's ADF format, but reflects where I am in my relationship with my Lady. The ADF tends to be pretty hard polytheist from everything I've seen, but I'm more of a soft polytheist due to seeing my Lady in so many facets of so many goddesses.
That's why I've gone Proto Indo European in my Hearth Culture - because it's about the core and correlations between the gods and the goddesses, and finding where they started and as what. It's close enough for me to work with, because it's about synthesis of what we know, and the way this aspect of divinity expresses itself to us. Or in the words of a friend.... " Close 'nough"
Demeter and Persephone's Elusinian Mysteries are the basis of this ritual. We kjnow parts and pieces of what happened, and the parts I understand and can actually perform without being Greek and back in the day, I've put into this ritual. I've done my best to translate for intent, and some ideas I've borrowed from others, but other than the occasional phrase, it's all my work in the ADF style. I think. I'm still learning that part.
My Lady has been appearing to me in guided meditations and dreams for a few years now, as seen in some of these blog posts, and the time seems to be right. This Samhain I perform the graduation exercise (a group ritual) for my studies in the Advanced Class run by a senior Priestess who is a friend, and as the Mysteries were celebrated about this time of year, it seemed appropriate to take this step.
That's why I've gone Proto Indo European in my Hearth Culture - because it's about the core and correlations between the gods and the goddesses, and finding where they started and as what. It's close enough for me to work with, because it's about synthesis of what we know, and the way this aspect of divinity expresses itself to us. Or in the words of a friend.... " Close 'nough"
Demeter and Persephone's Elusinian Mysteries are the basis of this ritual. We kjnow parts and pieces of what happened, and the parts I understand and can actually perform without being Greek and back in the day, I've put into this ritual. I've done my best to translate for intent, and some ideas I've borrowed from others, but other than the occasional phrase, it's all my work in the ADF style. I think. I'm still learning that part.
My Lady has been appearing to me in guided meditations and dreams for a few years now, as seen in some of these blog posts, and the time seems to be right. This Samhain I perform the graduation exercise (a group ritual) for my studies in the Advanced Class run by a senior Priestess who is a friend, and as the Mysteries were celebrated about this time of year, it seemed appropriate to take this step.
RITUAL – Elusinian Mysteries based adoption as Priestess
(day of no meat, day of walking in party atmosphere, saltwater bath beforehand, approach rite in silence)
Initiating the Rite by ringing the bell
Purification – deep breathing
Mother, in your guise of Gaia,
who is the earth below my feet,
who is the green and the brown and all between,
who is the sky above,
who is the ocean of water and the ocean of stars,
who gives me form, and accepts my form when I return to her embrace,
I honor you, and ask that you uphold me in this rite.
I come here to dedicate myself to the Lady. She of the many guises. The Mistress, Potnia, Ishatar, Inanna, Asherah, Demeter, Persephone, Eos, Aurora, Gaia, Ceres, the Green Lady, Green Tara, Mother Nature, Mother Earth, and more. The Lady of Life, Death, and Rebirth.
Under the guidance of your aspect Aeusos, she of the fire that warms and creator of home, family, and hope,
I light this fire.
I offer these oils to the Fire at the center of the world, the fire of offering, initiation and revelation.
I offer silver to the Well, the darkness of the underworld, from which all growth comes.
By the Tree, I am connected in strength and growth from roots in the Well to the Land around me and to the vault of the Sky above.
I create the Center again.
Meitros, Binder of Friends, I make an offering of honey to you,
This place is set apart and made sacred for this time
please open the gates, to make the path between the worlds smooth
that we may bind ourselves again in hospitality and friendship.
To all who would dissuade me from my purpose,
even my negative emotions,
I ask that you leave and take pleasure from the oiled bread set aside for you.
To the spirits of the land, I make offering
May there be the bonds of hospitality between us
(pour offering of honey)
To the spirits of the ancestors, I make offering
May there be the bonds of hospitality between us
(pour offering of mead)
To the gods and goddesses, I make offering
May there be the bonds of hospitality between us
(pour offering of olive oil)
To my Lady, I make offering. In your many names, you are still one, and singular, and worthy of praise. The Mistress, Dhéghom Máter, Potnia, Dia, Demeter, Persephone, Gaia, Dea, Ceres, the Green Lady, Green Tara, Mother Nature, Mother Earth, and more. The Lady of Life, Death, and Rebirth.
Lady, accept my offering in tribute for your guardianship and support, your gracious bounty.
(pour offering of mead, olive oil, and honey)
I ask for your guidance, my Lady, for my steps as I move forward along your path to become your daughter and your priestess.
(Draw runes and look them up)
I ask for your blessings to fill this cup, so that I may drink them deep.
The blessings glow within and I honor you.
Thank you for giving of your bounty my Lady, and I drink them down with mead from your bees.
You waited patiently for me, my Lady. You of the many names and many guises. The Mistress, Potnia, Demeter, Persephone, Gaia, the Green Lady, Green Tara, and the faces by which I have yet to know you. You have been the Mistress of Animals, Lady of Grain, Lady of the Underworld, Lady of all the facets of our lives. The Lady of Life, Death, and Rebirth.
Lady, Mistress, you have supported and guided us for tens of thousands of years, and probably for far longer.
You have presided over our births, growth, changes, deaths, and rebirths.
You have revealed yourself in various symbols, the butterfly, the bird, the snake, the bees, the grain and the trees, and more.
I ask that you take me as your daughter, your Priestess, guard my steps, guide my actions, protect me and mine from harm and want. Help me to care for others, welcome me into your embrace when my days end, and give me rebirth in your care.
With your permission and acceptance, I place myself on the path of your Priestess, to do my best to guard and encourage life and to love as you have bid.
As my ancestors did before me, I offer this sacrifice of my service symbolized by this token.
(Put small piece of pork in fire to burn completely. Add mead, oil, and honey to offering bowl. Hold offering bowl to east, then west, then up saying “rain” and then pour mead, oil, honey onto ground saying “conceive”)
I have honored you, learned of you, worshipped you, and now become your daughter, your Priestess.
(set leafy crown on head)
As it was said in years before, The powerful Goddess has given birth to a powerful child.
Thank you, my Lady, Mistress of Life, Death, and Rebirth, for your acceptance and your continued support.
May this bond sustain me all my days.
Gods, Goddesses, Ancestors, and Spirits of the Land,
I give you honor and worship, praise and reverence.
May there be peace and friendship between us.
I give you thanks for your presence and your blessings.
Gatekeeper, thank you for your watchful presence. May the gates be closed, with my gratitude.
My thanks to the Well, for inspiration
My thanks to the Sky, for clear seeing
My thank to the Tree, for stability and shelter in the storms
My thanks to the Fire, for warmth and renewal
My thanks the Mother, for all these things, and for life.
I go forward upon my journey as a daughter and Priestess of the Lady. May I grow towards the light and bear good fruit.
Week 9 - Explain High Day
The Fall Feast: Fall Equinox, Feast of Reaping
The Autumn Equinox is often celebrated as Mabon, which from what I've read was based on a legend that was selected and attached to the holiday in the 70's. I've also seen it listed, perhaps more authentically, as Harvest Home. In general Neo-Pagan thought, I've seen Persephone's decent to the underworld celebrated this time of year, but since I celebrate that later at Samhain due to my personal beliefs and preferences, the myth I've normally used for this holiday is that of the death of the vegetative god, since it's an archetype that appears in many cultures as shown in The Golden Bough. The first frost is months away, but the harvest of fruits and veggies is in full swing, so it's close enough in intent I believe. I tend to focus on Demeter and her bounty to the people to tide them over for the winter when she goes away to curl up and wait for Persephone's return. The Elusinian Mysteries were celebrated near this time of year, so that's what I'll be doing this year in a personal ritual of devotion.
Seasonally, this time of year is about the very first cool breath of air. The leaves just starting to change brings back many memories. Searching and seeking out the early ones, like the poplars, and cherishing that first wholehearted yellowing all the way up the tree. When that first tree starts to change its leaves, I know it's here. I don't have kids to teach about the holidays, but I cherish the gleeful celebration of leaves, cocoa, and the sweaters and boots that aren't far off. To me, this is about appreciation for all the gifts given and the fruitful harvest that ensures enough for the winter. Grain is essential, but it's only carbohydrates and a bit of protein. Samhain will give meat. But this day gives wine, cider, honey, fruits and vegetables, and all those things that make the basics tasty and enticing. This holiday ensures enjoyment for the winter.
Meditation Log - Week 8
Nature: animals that appear often or plants that strike you as intriguing or odd? I went walking in a local park while in Richmond on a contract job. Other than agreeing with one older gentleman about how lovely the park is, I walked in silence, picking up pebbles from the shoreline, and taking pictures of feathers, crabs, etc. Very contemplative. It was lovely, and helped me find center again after an annoying afternoon on the job.
Meditation: experiences, breath pattern, difficulties? I put on some Tibetan bell music in the background to help with background noises, and I settled right in. Ended up having a bit of a problem not nodding off due to short nights, but managed ten minutes this time! Keeping at it.
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